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Sometimes you're ahead

2 minutes read  

by Tobias
on 30 Jun, 20222 minutes read

Hello and welcome back to Tobias Talks.

Hello and welcome back to Tobias Talks.

This will only be a short blog entry as there isn’t much to tell you about my progress, I’ve done completely average, been to the gym some days but not enough, eaten well most days, but really poorly on others.

I’ve had an insanely busy week and genuinely do not stop until my head hits the pillow, but I am thankful for what I have in life. If you haven’t had a chance to read it yet, there is a brand new article on the power of gratitude and the science behind it really is astounding.

Sometimes life can start to get on top of each of us. When that happens to me, I try to keep calm, take a deep breath, look around me and note things I can see, sounds I can hear and smells I can, smell. I find this brings me back to reality and puts me in the moment. Then I can think clearer, life is good, I have a roof above me, food in my belly, a loving family and a beautiful partner. I’m happy.

Sometimes it’s hard to see the good in your own life. A lot of people, myself included, can get obsessed with comparing their lives to others. This has literally no purpose and only serves to take away your peace.

Sometimes, life is good, it feels good and you should still try to be thankful, appreciate you are at a good point in life and it may not last forever. Life is changing constantly.

As my main man Baz Luhrmann says “Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind, the race is long and in the end, it’s only with yourself”.

I hope you have a great weekend, if you want to treat yourself, wake up late on Sunday and make yourself our delicious Bacon and Egg Bagel, courtesy of our resident Positivity guru Freya.

I wish you all a great week ahead, I look forward to talking to you again next week, please, do get in touch on our instagram and share how you’ve been, I’d really love to hear. We are all in this together.

Your friend Tobias.